Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a special day!

Dear baby, We have good news and bad news today. Mummy went to see Dr Teo to find out how you were doing. We found out that mummy's cyst has shrank to 1.5cm, but Dr Teo saw something on the Ultrasound that made him panic abit. He saw an amniotic band which might possibly cause you to not grow well. Mummy and Daddy were super worried, we rushed down to the hospital again to have you scanned. Mummy and Daddy waited for almost an hour and a half because yours was an emergency appointment. The radiographer said that you looked good and were very active. She didn't see any band either.. Thanks to the number of people who have been praying for you. We also found out that you were a boy! Thank God for you. There is so much that we wish you could speak to us, but that is going to take a few years... Meanwhile, hang in there and be strong ok? We are going to name you Emmanuel, to remind us that God is with us! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Goodnight our dear son... Mummy and Daddy