Monday, May 14, 2012

It's a special day!

Dear baby, We have good news and bad news today. Mummy went to see Dr Teo to find out how you were doing. We found out that mummy's cyst has shrank to 1.5cm, but Dr Teo saw something on the Ultrasound that made him panic abit. He saw an amniotic band which might possibly cause you to not grow well. Mummy and Daddy were super worried, we rushed down to the hospital again to have you scanned. Mummy and Daddy waited for almost an hour and a half because yours was an emergency appointment. The radiographer said that you looked good and were very active. She didn't see any band either.. Thanks to the number of people who have been praying for you. We also found out that you were a boy! Thank God for you. There is so much that we wish you could speak to us, but that is going to take a few years... Meanwhile, hang in there and be strong ok? We are going to name you Emmanuel, to remind us that God is with us! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Goodnight our dear son... Mummy and Daddy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mummy had to go to the hospital

Dear Baby,

Mummy and Daddy had a little scare last night. Mummy had a stomach flu and Daddy had to rush Mummy and you to the hospital. Actually, we wanted to see the doctor at the nearby clinic, but it was such a long queue and the nurse was so unfriendly, so we decided to rush to the hospital instead. Well, the doctor heard mummy's tummy and concluded that it was a virus and that both you and mummy are fine.

Mummy has been seeing Dr Teo every week to get an injection to make sure that you will be fine.

Daddy was listening to a sermon by a very famous preacher called T.D Jakes, and Daddy will let you listen to his sermons too when you are older. Bishop Jakes reminded Daddy that God's grace is sufficient for you, for mummy and for our family. In such situations, God's grace is always sufficient. Other people might not entirely understand, but Daddy is counting on the grace of God to pull us through.

Daddy and Mummy believe that God has got the days of your life crafted into his perfect plan and we are praying this for you. Remember that you must stick close to the heart of God always. We are praying that you will be a wonderful, normal and healthy child.

Mummy and Daddy were reflecting how much you mean to us, and how God has blessed us with you. We were talking about the day we got married and we remember how much God has been faithful to us, and how our lives must give God the glory for all things.

Your last photo was taken on 2 April and you were 2.5cm. By now, you should be 3.5cm already... our next photo of you will be at the hospital this Saturday. By then, you're going to be much bigger.

Looking forward to the next photo of you...

Daddy and Mummy

Sunday, April 1, 2012

We are praying for you

Dear Baby,

As we eagerly await your arrival in your new home, mummy is having extreme nausea with you. Mummy hasn't been too well, but we know its because you are growing well. You are growing well, right? Mummy has been sleeping really early and trying to manage all her work at the same time. Mummy is sacrificing a lot for you. All Daddy can do is to help Mummy feel better and get food for you and Mummy. Its going to be this way for many many more years to come.

The last time we saw you was last Monday and you were 1.8cm. Daddy got angry at a doctor because he was very rough with Mummy, and Daddy didn't like it. He told the doctor off. That's what Daddy does - he will protect Mummy and you. Your usual doctor, Dr Teo was not in Singapore and so we had to see another doctor, Dr Lee. Daddy doesn't like Dr Lee very much, and he won't let Dr Lee take another photo of you. Dr Lee says you are 1.8cm now... but Mummy and Daddy don't think so... we think you're actually larger than that. Your heartbeat is so strong...

We prayed for you today. In fact, many people are praying for you. The entire church is praying for you. Mummy and Daddy prayed that you will be a leader of revival for your generation. We want you to lead people to Jesus, because we believe that it is for this reason that Daddy God is giving you to us.

Meanwhile, please be gentle to Mummy ok?

We love you lots..

Mummy and Daddy...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our first photo of you

Dear Baby,

This is our first official photo of you.

If you need help to see you, you're the little white line in middle of the black shadow area. According to this photo, you're now officially 0.7cm long. We are also heard your heartbeat.... You're growing... and you're gonna grow day by day...

Our Baby Story

Dear Baby,

We're calling you Baby for now because we haven't quite decided your name yet. In fact, we're not even sure if you're going to be a boy or a girl. But nonetheless, we're going to love you the same regardless of whether you're a boy or a girl. Remember, you are precious in God's sight and you are precious in Mummy and Daddy's eyes. Mummy and Daddy are still praying for your name and you at the moment...

Of course, you're not quite able to read yet, but you will one day, and when that day comes, we want you to know what happened with Mummy and Daddy when we had you.

Step by step, little by little, you're going to know all about you before you even came into this world. You're going to know every part of you, and every little bit about your family and how we were all thinking about you while waiting for your arrival.

Based on today's calculations, you're probably about 1cm now... its going to be another seven months or so before we finally see you.