Thursday, March 15, 2012

Our Baby Story

Dear Baby,

We're calling you Baby for now because we haven't quite decided your name yet. In fact, we're not even sure if you're going to be a boy or a girl. But nonetheless, we're going to love you the same regardless of whether you're a boy or a girl. Remember, you are precious in God's sight and you are precious in Mummy and Daddy's eyes. Mummy and Daddy are still praying for your name and you at the moment...

Of course, you're not quite able to read yet, but you will one day, and when that day comes, we want you to know what happened with Mummy and Daddy when we had you.

Step by step, little by little, you're going to know all about you before you even came into this world. You're going to know every part of you, and every little bit about your family and how we were all thinking about you while waiting for your arrival.

Based on today's calculations, you're probably about 1cm now... its going to be another seven months or so before we finally see you.

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